Care Refusal

The 12 sources listed below are each rated on how they can help caregivers better understand and deal with care refusal in people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Sources are ranked from highest to lowest.
ALZSmart Score™ - Extraordinary95%

A Caregiver's Guide to Dementia

Laura N. Gitlin, PhD and Catherine Verrier Piersol, PhD, OTR/L

Pages 67-76

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Begins with 9 common triggers and 31 general strategies.  Follows with 24 strategies to manage resistence to bathing, 19 strategies on dressing, 34 strategies on eating, and 13 strategies on managing grooming.
A Caregiver's Guide to Dementia
ALZSmart Score™ - Excellent85%

Surviving Alzheimer's (2nd Edition)

Paula Spencer Scott

Pages 154-166

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Section 1 - Resists seeing a doctor:  Describes possible causes using 5 'why' factors.  The 'try' section includes 4 bullet points; plus 9 creative solutions.  Section 2 - Rebuffs your assistance:  Describes possible causes using 4 'why' factors.  The 'try' section includes 10 bullet points; plus 6 creative solutions. Also has guidance on safety and coping as a caregiver.
Surviving Alzheimer's (2nd Edition)
ALZSmart Score™ - Very Good75%

Daily Caring

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Discusses why someone with Alzheimer’s would refuse medication.  Has 11 ways to get someone with dementia to take medication.
11 Ways to Get Someone with Dementia to Take Medication
ALZSmart Score™ - Very Good75%

Ahead of Dementia

Luciana Mitzkun

Pages 183-186

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Discusses resistance in early and mid-stages.  Has 12 bullet points under Do not Argue, Reason, or Explain (DARE).
Ahead of Dementia
ALZSmart Score™ - Good65%


Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Has 5 questions to ask to determine possible causes.  Offers 8 ways to work with your loved one.  6 bullet points on communications techniques.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Refusing Care
ALZSmart Score™ - Good65%

Everyday Health

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Lists 7 reasons for resisting help.  Has 3 bullet points on how to increase the chance of success.  Also looks at medications.
When Dementia Patients Resist Help
ALZSmart Score™ - Good65%

The 36-Hour Day (6th Edition)

Nancy L. Mace, MA and Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH

Pages 202-205

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

This is focused on the rejection of adult day care and in-home care.
The 36-Hour Day (6th Edition)
ALZSmart Score™ - Good65%

Home Care Assistance

Rob Wagner

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Provides 5 ways to help a parent accept dementia care.  Has a couple of caregiver examples accompaning each tip to add context.
Five Ways to Help a Parent With Dementia Who Refuses Care
ALZSmart Score™ - Good65%

UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Program

Michelle Panlilio, NP

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

[Video 4:03]  Scenario-based video that shows a caregiver and her grandmother dealing with refusal to take pills.  The video has four parts:  common response, expert explanation, recommended reponse, plus 6-8 tips for dealing with pill taking.
Refusal to Take Medications
ALZSmart Score™ - Average55%

When Your Loved One Resists Care

Elder Care Online

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Discusses what the person with dementia may be communicating when they refuse care.  Looks at 6 specific scenarios where there's refusal to accept care.
When Your Loved One Resists Care
ALZSmart Score™ - Average50%

Mayo Clinic

Geo Location: All

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

General article not specific to Alzheimer's or dementia patients.  Discusses possible causes for resistence to care.  5 bullet points on approaches.  5 strategies for managing resistance to care.
Caring for the Elderly: Dealing With Resistance
ALZSmart Score™ - Satisfactory25%

Dementia Care Central (National Institute on Aging)

Geo Location: All (US)

ALZSmart Review™ - Summary of Contents

Offers a couple of possible causes and suggestions.
Refusing Help

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